June 22, 2009

Nothing Forever.

"We are friends, And you know what? it's forever."
They were overheard.
" I wouldn't want to talk to you from now. We can't be knowing eachother's whereabouts. We are strangers from now. And you are someone whom I hate the most."
They were overheard again.
And the girl is still at the door, figuring out things and sorting them his way. Hands are clutched to the grills and just one eye with a drop of tear visible from the other side of the room.
Why can't she stop looking? She should not care. Stop indulging in the case now!
The girl never gives up. She still cares. She still cries. And she actually is the soul of the body which being left alone inside.
There were promises and now there are longings.
Now she knows, That what she is left with is Nothing Forever.


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